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Organization Tips for Your Garden Shed

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Organization Tips for Your Garden Shed

Adding a garden shed to your backyard is an ideal way to keep things organized. The key is to avoid stuffing all the garden tools in the shed, and instead, have a system in place to keep things inside the shed in order. When your garden shed is organized, you will save time looking for the things you need and save money by avoiding duplicate purchases or accidental damage to the supplies you have.

If you are looking for the perfect garden shed for your space, we can help. Our sheds arrive ready to be assembled in just a day or two, and the plans can be customized and upgraded to include any feature you want. Whether it’s something petite and basic or a luxury shed you will want to hang out it, we can help you design exactly what you are looking for. Contact us any time to learn more.

To get the very most out of your garden shed, consider some of these organization tips.

1. Get things off the floor

It is tempting to set lots of your garden supplies directly on the floor, but this is one of the fastest ways to make your garden shed feel disorganized. It’s also quite a tripping hazard. Consider these ideas for getting things off the floor:

  • Install a heavy duty hook to coil your hose around, rather than storing it on the ground
  • Hang brooms, rakes, shovels, and any other long-handled tools on a wall rack
  • Store small hand tools on a heavy duty magnetic strip adhered to the wall

2. Use metal shelving

Shelves are essential for organizing a garden shed. We like metal shelves because they are easy to see through, making finding that exact item easier. Adjustable, open metal shelving will be the most versatile and will last for years to come.

3. Make sure the shed is brightly lit

If your shed is dark, it will be frustrating to find anything (even if it is exactly where it belongs). Avoid this problem by installing sufficient lighting that exceeds the typical single lightbulb hanging from the center of the ceiling. You might also light the addition of a window or two in the shed to let in more natural light. This simple upgrade can make a big difference.

4. Keep small things handy

Make a list of the small items you use regularly, and consider how you might be able to put them right at your fingertips, rather than tossed in a drawer or box you have to rummage through. For example, if garden twine is something you regularly reach for, consider mounting a toilet paper roll holder to the shed wall where you can keep a spool handy. If you often find yourself looking for gardening gloves, install a hook or basket right by the door where they can be easily snatched when you walk by. The easier it is to grab the things you need, the more enjoyable your gardening experience will be.

5. Add a bulletin board

We don’t often think of the need to store papers or office supplies in a garden shed, but you may find that hanging a bulletin board will come in quite handy. Keep seed packets, planting schedules, coupons for your favorite nursery, or the date you most recently fertilized organized on a magnetic calendar or cork board so your gardening plans can stay as organized as your shed. Your shed can become your command station for the garden you’ve always dreamt of.

Ready to design your dream garden shed? We are ready to help. Contact us any time to get started.

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